Saturday, January 07, 2006

Limited Time? Better to Read the Bible or Pray?

If my time is limited, is it better to pray or to read the Bible?

I ran across the quote below a while back. I think it makes absolute sense. Unfortunately, I am the one doing the talking and not enough listening. I know that I don't spend as much time in the Bible as I should and I'm trying to do better. See my New Year's Resolutions. I need to get better on the Old Testament in particular so I've started with Proberbs.

We should not have to choose between time in the Bible and time in prayer but if
we had to choose, it would be more important that God speak to the individual
than that a person speak to God.

“Preacher” E. F. Hallock


Peter Shaw said...

Interesting question. I guess I'm of the opinion that the person should let the Holy Spirit guide at the time. If you are open to the Spirit, that "still small voice" will lead you to the appropriate action.

God Bless

Phil said...


Glad you stopped by. I think we're mostly in agreement as the Holy Spirit leads us when we're reading the Bible.